domingo, 4 de agosto de 2013


What does creatine supplementation do?

Creatine is the most common sports performance supplement, catered mostly towards increasing the rate of muscle growth and increasing power output with somewhat lesser but present benefits on skeletal muscle endurance. Basically, it lets you lift a bit more. Another benefit is: acts as Cell protector.

Is it safe?

At this point in time, there are no clinically relevant side effects known to be caused by creatine supplementation. ‘Clinically relevant’ in this sense means anything that can cause adverse effects to your health. Taking too much creatine at once, due to a combination of limited intestinal absorption in high doses and drawing water into the intestines, can cause diarrhea. Additionally, the water drawing properties can lead to an upset stomach or nausea.These can be avoided by taking creatine with ample water, and not taking an excessive amount of creatine at once.

How much should I take?

Creatine, for a nonathletic or slightly athletic person, is only required in a dosage of 2-3g or so daily. For those who are athletic and have a higher rate of creatine turnover in muscle tissue (the biggest creatine ‘reservoir’ in the body), a minimum dose of 5g a day might be required

Do I need to cycle creatine?

Creatine does not need to be cycled. The traditional usage of creatine cycles (1 week loading, 3 weeks maintenance, 1-2 weeks off) is fairly redundant anyways as creatine takes much longer to clear the body. Since creatine does not act upon any receptors and there is no known ‘creatine sensitivity’ because of this there is no need to take a break from creatine.Products are usually cycled because your body developers a tolerance to them – this does not apply to creatine supplementation.

What happens if I go off of creatine?

When creatine supplementation is ceased, it takes anywhere from a few weeks to a month for creatine levels in the body to normalize to pre-supplementation levels. Creatine production is restored within a day or two after stopping creatine.

When should I take creatine?

Creatine can be taken at any time, and it will reside in skeletal muscle tissue until it is required. Taking it with meals may also reduce the risk of an upset stomach in those with sensitive stomachs.

Will creatine cause me to bloat?

Although creatine will not make you ‘bloat’ in an adverse sense, it does indeed increase water weight. This water weight is mostly localized to skeletal muscle, as water weight with creatine supplementation is gained wherever creatine is stored on the body. Due to this, it is more likely that creatine will cause a visual ‘inflation’ of the muscles rather than causing one to look softer and fatter.

Creatine works. It’s not going to make you super strong overnight, but it will allow you to lift heavier. You keep at it, and over time, creatine will make you stronger. Not only that, it has the potential to help in a variety of ways – cell membrane, neuroprotective, and so forth.


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