viernes, 9 de agosto de 2013


Training is not the only way to stimulate muscle growth:

1.-Stimulating growth
The training stimulates the muscles to grow.When you exercise your muscles causes protein breakdown in muscle. Assuming that the supply of nutrients and anabolic signals are sufficiently optimal body repair damaged muscle with a little protein to make them slightly larger than before.

Muscles tend to believe that soon there will be a shortage of food, unless you tell them otherwise.
If the cells of your muscles grow, so do their daily energy needs. The body is always striving to operate as efficiently as possible in the event that a famine is present. Bigger muscles require larger amounts of food, and this is not good if there is a food shortage in the near future.
This means that for a muscle to grow, you need a strong signal security that say "Ok we are well fed and we can become great without worrying that there is a deficit of nutrients."

Several anabolic hormones like testosterone, insulin, IGF etc. stimulate growth. Stress, lack of sleep and poor diet affects the production of these hormones.

To summarize, growth is stimulated when we train. It supplies material for growth with good nutrition. We create a good atmosphere of anabolic signals maximize our anabolic hormones and this can be achieved by optimizing the training, nutrition and stress levels.

Very interesting and to the point.

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