viernes, 2 de agosto de 2013


Something true: as a beginner, almost anything will make you grow the first few months, this is due to the dramatic change of activity. So do not worry if you work or not, because it really will. Of course, first you have to have a week to learn the proper execution of the exercises, and know that you can lift weights. Once done that you are ready to start with the irons. Get ready because when starting, the first week will feel like your muscles feel beaten and crushed, and this is completely normal, if at the time of return to exercise even feel muscle pain, do not worry if you can not reach the repetitions established do your training within your means without strive for more and the body will adapt and recover faster and faster. You must commit yourself to continue implementing training plans and do not leave as many who stay on the road, you must have patience and be very consistent.

You have to lift the weights within your means and the desire for growth. If for example you can do barbell curls with 10kg for 20 reps, is that you are using very little weight. You should use a weight which allows you to do no more than 15 repetitions.

Having said that here's the routine:

Exercise A
Exercise B
row back machine squats
bench pressleg curl (femoral)
military press barbell curl
pull-ups in machine tricep pulldowns
side elevations 
3 sets of 10 reps on all exercises
First week:
MONDAY: workout AWEDNESDAY: workout BFRIDAY: workout ANext week is changed:MONDAY: workout B
WEDNESDAY: workout AFRIDAY: workout B

    The weight to be used is one that you can do 15 repetitions being cool. With break from 30seconds to 45seconds. If you need to add more later break (to avoid injury). This routine will be for a month before switching to the next.

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